Saturday, June 9, 2007

Second Verse, Same as the First

So, you might remember a few months ago I made a pair of Monkey socks for my friend Katie. Well, I really liked the pattern. I liked it so much, I started a new pair, with a few adjustments of course.
I shortened the cuff, with just two repeats instead of six. I changed the twisted rib at the top of the cuff to double rib. I didn't follow a pattern for the toe, I just winged it.
Oh, and I changed needle size from 2 to 1. But it's the same pattern.
I'm at the heel flap on the second one. I really like this pattern, it's easy to memorize and goes so quickly. I think I'll use it on the other pair of socks I need to make this month too.
I'm almost half done with the second sleeve of my hoodie. I can't find the circular needle for the hood for the life of me though. I'll find it eventually, probably right after I buy a new one. Sigh. Sometimes life is so predictable.
I'm considering making another pair of Hobo gloves. I have a lot of the same yarn left, and it might be enough for a new pair. I really need a yarn measurer thingy, a digital box that you run yarn through and it measures it. Then I could half the yarn exactly. Man, that'd be so great.
I want to make a lace shawl. I have the pattern picked out. I have no circular neeldes, at least none with me. I have a size 4, 11, and 13 at home, and a size 6 that's lost somewhere (hoodie needle) and the pattern I picked requires a size 7, so since I'm such a loose knitter (hehe) the size 6 would be just about right. But until I find the needle, the I don't see me starting one for a while, because I'm under no circumstances going to buy any new needles until I get a job.
Anyway, nothin else on the needles presently. I've been very good lately about not starting too many projects at once. I need to fix the Clessidra socks, finish the lace scarf, the Monkey socks, and the hoodie. I can't start new gloves till one of the pairs of socks is done, because I only have one pair of size 1 dpns. I might have to buy some more of those eventually; they're my favorite size.
I see another job at Micheals or Hobby Lobby in my future, because rebates are so worth it.

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