Sunday, June 3, 2007

Learn to Crochet

Book No. 233 Clark's ONT. J&P Coats
Price 10 CentsLearn to Crochet
Includes Directions For The Left Handed
(Copyright 1946. The Spool Cotton Company. 2nd Edition. Printed in USA.)*
(The kid looks so happy to learn to crochet)

Isn't this a lovely way to look at night? All you need is any simple dark dress.
Just watch the way it lights up with this neon white belt glittering
with pearls and tiny gold sequins.There's a tiny square
pocket for lipstick and hankie!
(...Neon white belt...Pearls and gold sequins...I'm speechless. Was there no taste in 1946?)
It's heigh-ho for the active life, heigh-ho for our favorite little lumber jacket.
(Maybe this jacket wasn't such a good idea...I wonder?)


When it's your turn to feed the gang, these lovely-to-look-at doilies will
make a luncheon set that will do you proud!
(I made one of these for Mom in a double thread crochet
yarn of light and dark blue. It was cooler than it sounds.)

Double Date
Pretty apart, adorable together.
Drawstring bag with a flight of butterflies and a whimsical little calot (hat)
with a single butterfly perched on one side.
Just goes to show that two are better than one!
(The posing here cracks me up)

Nice to come home to a pretty room, neat and sweet as the girl who lives there...
and on the bed as dreamy a spread as you'll ever see.
Wait till the gang sees this, and wait till you tell them you made it yourself!
You won't have to wait too long either if you get started right away!
(When Hell Freezes Over)
(Can you imagine how much yarn this takes? 75 balls of yarn! Jeezus!)
These pictures and captions are all real, and all really from the book.
Isn't this the most adorable little magazine? Aren't you just so jealous?

*(I haven't the slightest idea if the copyrights still exist on this magazine, so I went ahead and provided all copyright information provided in the book. If someone out there decides to steal the pictures of captions, please keep in mind that I don't know if this is copyrighted or not, since it's so old. You've been warned!)

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