Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pair 'a Monkeys

The Monkey sox are finished.

And only a little bit too tight. I'm going to wear them until they stretch out.
Maybe in these shoes.Yes, they're a little old. No, I don't remember what year I got them. 2003 maybe? Anyway, they're see-through and perfect for showing off my kool knitted sox. And the soles aren't as dirty as they look, I washed them, they're stained. And the flash really messed with the colors.
Here's a pair of sox that I knit in about August of last year. They were the first pair that I knit for me, using the knee sock pattern in Stitch 'N Bitch, and Lion Brand (I think) Microspun socks. Size 2 needles. I also had to add elastic to the cuff to keep them from drooping.
Neat, huh? And yes, my legs really are that white. Shut up.

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