Thursday, March 29, 2007

Knaughty Knitter

Ok, so a couple nights ago I was really bored, but didn't want to work on my Clessidra sock. So...I kinda started a new pair of socks. I was weak! At first I tried a lace pattern on the top, but I really didn't like it. I felt the variegation of colors obscured the delicate nature of the pattern. So I ripped it and restarted the next day.

But then I got a better pattern and got interested in a movie and kinda...finished it. In one night. I really really like it. I call it: Circus Sock. I think the name is very fitting. Here's the top:
And here is the side with the wonderful stripes:

And here is a sideways picture of the sole because I'm too lazy to figure out how to rotate it. I really like the purple sole:
Here's a closeup of the pattern on the top of the sock. It's a slip-stitch pattern that really shows off the colors, although you probably will have a hard time seeing that here.

I'll finish Clessidra tomorrow, I swear!

Monday, March 26, 2007

The Knitting Goddess Hates Me


Hmm. Maybe if I left off the pocket and the hood...and the extra inches...

*EDIT*: I'm ok now. I've stopped throwing things, and thought it out logically, and just bought five more balls of yarn. That should do it; I counted. I need more yarn because there is no way in heaven or hell I am ripping this thing out. The back is now 18"x21", and no way am I ripping that out. Not nobody not no how. Anyway, within five to fifteen business days, I should have the rest of my yarn, and I'll use it for the hood and the pocket so you can't notice it's from a different dye lot if the colors are way off each other. Sigh. I'm going to go lie down now. *thud*

Captain's Log: Stardate 1746329103856564839203856574.333333333

Sweater? What sweater? Ohhhhh, that sweater! Yes, I suppose there has been some knitting on it. Some Pics? Ok, if you insist:

This is the back of the sweater, which will be 22 inches long when I'm done, 1 inch more than the directions say. I am doing this to the front and both sleeves too, since I like very long sweaters and very long sleeves.
This is almost three balls of yarn. It says the pattern takes 10, and I have 12, so I do, I say I do believe I will have enough yarn. If not, rip it. Rip it good. Dun dun du dun, dun dun, dun dun. Sorry.
Can't see how much knitting I've done in the last two days? A crazy amount, you say? Twelve inches isn't a crazy amount, silly. I've just been watching a lot of tv, and I've slowed down on the Clessidra sock.

But I've still done a bit of knitting on it, too.

See? Three more inches!

And here's another picture of the back of the sock, since I know you're just aching for another shot of it.

This is how fast I've been knitting lately:


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sock Watch: Day...Uh...Carry the Two...Thursday.

I've been knitting on my sock a lot. I mean a lot. See? Three inches in two days is a lot.

This is the back of my sock. It's cable-icious. Cable-riffic. Uh. Reaganomics!

Closer look at the juicy cableyness of the sock.

It is beautiful, no? It makes me weep. Not that that takes much. I cry at Halmark commercials. They're just so touching, ya know?

Darth Tater says: Join the Dark Side. We have Yarn. Whuuuuuh (Wheeze).

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Gorgeousness in Sock Form

4 inches!

Top of sock!

Side of sock!

Back of sock!

Rather Cross

I'd rather knit on my new sock than do anything, including the essay that's due on Thursday. What new sock, you ask? Well. Here's the pair I made for my grandma, which I horrible messed up on. The second sock turned out a size smaller than the first one; I can barely get it on my smaller foot. Yes, I have two different sized feet: the left is a 9 1/2 and the right is a 10. Can you tell?

I went to Hobby Lobby and got some fingerweight yarn to make socks. It is Beautiful. Here are pics: The yellow is a tad more pastel, the blues (I got two) more of a grey blue, the others, incredibly, are almost true to color. I've already started knitting one of the light blues; I'm making Clessidra from the new edition of (go to patterns, last on the list). I love it. I've knit four inches of it in two days. I've got the pattern pretty much memorized. I was using a toothpick for a cable needle, but when I went to class today I forgot it, so I started using a kilt pin I had on my bag. (Don't ask.) I like the kilt pin better, even though it is really sharp. The yarn is Red Heart Luster Sheen in Spa Blue, 100% acrylic, but it feels a little like cotton but with more give. The yellow yarn is the same brand, color Buttercup, as is the purple, pink, and yellow pastel multicolored, color Serenity. I know. They're going to by my Serenity socks and I will make them when I watch Serenity and wear them when I watch Serenity.

(If you have no idea what I'm talking about, click here and then watch the movie. Seriously. Best ever.)

The other two yarns are Lion Brand Magic Stripes, 75% superwash wool and
25% nylon. Don't know the names of them, though.

I'll post pics of the sock in the next post, since I have so many in this post.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Another line of the same old song

I've got about half of the second wristwarmer done. It looks exactly like the first one, so just scroll down a couple posts if you're curious. I've made enough wristwarmers now that I've pretty much got the pattern memorized. I've been working on it in class instead of my sock, because it goes faster. I haven't been working on anything else, mainly because I've had a cold for the last couple of days. I'm hoping to be over it by Monday when I have to go back to class. I haven't done any of my homework that's due on Monday either. I have a midterm due, and I have to find a magazine article to write a paper on, and I have to work on my monologue, read some essays by Brecht and Artaud, and some essays on Irish dance, and edit the second draft of a paper on Capoeira dancing from Brazil. Ug. I'm gonna go play video games. I don't feel like knitting when I'm sick.