Friday, March 2, 2007

Another line of the same old song

I've got about half of the second wristwarmer done. It looks exactly like the first one, so just scroll down a couple posts if you're curious. I've made enough wristwarmers now that I've pretty much got the pattern memorized. I've been working on it in class instead of my sock, because it goes faster. I haven't been working on anything else, mainly because I've had a cold for the last couple of days. I'm hoping to be over it by Monday when I have to go back to class. I haven't done any of my homework that's due on Monday either. I have a midterm due, and I have to find a magazine article to write a paper on, and I have to work on my monologue, read some essays by Brecht and Artaud, and some essays on Irish dance, and edit the second draft of a paper on Capoeira dancing from Brazil. Ug. I'm gonna go play video games. I don't feel like knitting when I'm sick.

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