Monday, March 26, 2007

Captain's Log: Stardate 1746329103856564839203856574.333333333

Sweater? What sweater? Ohhhhh, that sweater! Yes, I suppose there has been some knitting on it. Some Pics? Ok, if you insist:

This is the back of the sweater, which will be 22 inches long when I'm done, 1 inch more than the directions say. I am doing this to the front and both sleeves too, since I like very long sweaters and very long sleeves.
This is almost three balls of yarn. It says the pattern takes 10, and I have 12, so I do, I say I do believe I will have enough yarn. If not, rip it. Rip it good. Dun dun du dun, dun dun, dun dun. Sorry.
Can't see how much knitting I've done in the last two days? A crazy amount, you say? Twelve inches isn't a crazy amount, silly. I've just been watching a lot of tv, and I've slowed down on the Clessidra sock.

But I've still done a bit of knitting on it, too.

See? Three more inches!

And here's another picture of the back of the sock, since I know you're just aching for another shot of it.

This is how fast I've been knitting lately:


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