Friday, June 1, 2007

How Time Flies...

So, I'm back at school. Stupid summer classes that I hate. Anyways, I finished the front and the first sleeve of my sweater, and am fixin'ta start the second sleeve. I crocheted a doily for my mother from the cutest little magazine I found that was made in 1947. I'll post pics tomorrow, and maybe some of the hilarious captions.

I'm making a pair of "Hooray for Me!" gloves by Marnie MacLean from the Knitty Gritty DIY Network website. I've finished the first, and am just to the thumb gusset for the second. They're a very quick knit, and the pattern is very easy to follow, although of course I changed it a little. I'm doing double rib instead of single rib for the cuffs, and I changed the needle size from 2 to 1, because I started out using 2's and my guage was so off, the gloves were huge. I had to frog it and start all over. But the first one fits now. Yay! Pics tomorrow. I'll probably have the second done by tomorrow, staying up all night.

That's about all that's happening right now. I'll start a new pair of socks when I finish my gloves. They'll be for my grandma. She tried to steal my purple and neon green and pink and red striped socks, but I wasn't standing for that.

Well, that's that.

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