Thursday, October 4, 2007

Inside-Out Socks

Inside-Out Socks
1 skein (or less) Lion Brand Wool-Ease Chunky (or equivalent)
Size 8 dpns (or 9, because I knit very loosely)

Cast on 38 stitches.
Rib for cuff, making length as desired (I did five rows.) Separate for heel, with 16 stitches on the first needle and 16 on a second, or 8 and 8 on the second and third.

Heel: Slip 1st stitch, knit 16 stitches. Turn. Slip 1st stitch, purl 16 stitches. Continue this pattern for another 14 rows, 16 total. Knit 9 stitches, K2tog, k1, turn. Slip 1 st, purl 3 sts, P2tog, p1, turn. Slip 1, k4, K2tog, turn. Slip, p5, p2tog, turn. Continue this pattern until you've knit all stitches, ending in a purl row. 10 sts.

Gusset: Knit at stitches on heel, pick up 9 stitches, through the slipped holes (needle 1). K all top sts (needle 2). Pick up 9 sts down other side of heel (needle 3). Split heel stitches onto each gusset needle, 5 on each.
Row 1:Knit to last three sts of needle 1, K2tog, k1. Knit all sts on needle 2. K1, SSK, knit rest of sts on needle 3.
Row 2: K all sts.
Repeat these 2 rows until 38 sts remain. Knit to desired length minus about an inch for the toes.

Toe: Row 1: K to last three sts on needle 1, K2tog, k1. K1, SSK, knit to last three sts on needle 2, K2tog, K1. K1, SSK, knit rest of sts on needle 3.
Row 2: Repeat row 1.
Row 3: K all sts.
Repeat rows 1-3 until 4 sts remain. Graft toe. No needle is needed, because the yarn is so thick; you can just push the yarn through the holes with your fingers. Weave in ends on outside, then turn inside-out and enjoy.

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