Thursday, August 9, 2007

A Snag Indeed, At Least I Suppose It to be So

So, I'm to the pinky on my glove. There's just one problem. I can't seem to get the hang of the darn thing. I've ripped it out five times, and this is the latest installment. The previous gloves I've done started with the pointer, so it could be that, but to me this finger is pulling strangely. See how far over the hole goes? The chart swings way in toward the inside, and it just looks crooked to me.

Man, I didn't realize how bad this picture is. Oh well, anyway, the purple stripe that's supposed to go down the inside of the fingers is attached to the honeycomb-y pattern on the palm, and since I can't see a picture of the inside of the gloves to see if it's supposed to do that, I was really worried about it. I've finally given up and I'm just going to follow the directions as given and stop thinking about it. At least there aren't as many mistakes in the pattern this time. I only count one.
So now I need to decide whether I want to extend this finger the whole way the chart gives or stop it now. If I keep going, it'll be really long, but warm. Shorter would look more professional, I guess, but I don't really care about that. I suppose I'll keep it the way it's charted, just because I appreciate symmetry, and having all the fingers match will satisfy my delicate symmetry sensibilities.

I hope that after I start the ring finger it will reduce the pull at the edge of the hole there, in the top photo. When I made the other gloves, I don't remember them pulling like that, but I could have just forgotten. I have a bad habit of blocking out bad things, because I like being happy.
I hope that when I put on the thumb it'll fit, too, because if this thing is too tight after all this work, I'll be pretty mad. At least for a while. Oh, who am I kidding, I thrive on challenge. I have more of these colors, enough for another pair, so I'll probably make a pair of mittens after this. In hindsight, I should have started with the mittens, because then I wouldn't have had to worry about fingers, but hindsight's 20/20, I suppose. And I don't really mind the fingers, this will probably be the hardest one, since I'm still not too confident with the Fair Isle, and I'm not sure how to keep the gauge when there are so few stitches on the needles. I just need more practice, and I'll be sure to get that on the next three fingers and the thumb.

Well, hopefully tomorrow I'll have a picture of another finger finished, but I doubt it. I have a Spanish final tomorrow, and a Lighting project due Friday, then I go home Friday too, till the 27th. I have to pack, and study, and finish the project, vote for Ryan on InTune about 300 more times tomorrow, and remember to eat and sleep. I should probably go sleep now, too, since it's 2:30. Man, I talk alot when I'm tired. Not that this is talking, more like rambling really. Ok, I'm stopping.
By the way, my brother wants one of these:

He swears he'd wear it, but somehow I don't believe him...

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