Friday, August 31, 2007

Photos R Not Us Right Now

I still haven't got out my camera, so no photos for you. I'm making a pair of yoga socks for my new roommate. She's a dancer, so I figured these socks would work well for her. They're more like leg warmers. See, they're socks, but without heels or toes. They're like tubes with a hole for the heel. I've finished one, and I'm working on the second one. I haven't worked on anything else this week. Sigh. Curse my fickle knitting nature. Anyway, after callbacks(!!!) this weekend, I'm going to unpack the camera and take some pictures of my stash for Ravelry(!!!), and I'll take pics of my new things then too.

If anyone wants to friend me on Ravelry, my screen name is Sarelro. I'm very friendly and don't cyber-bite.

(I'm totally using this pic without permission, but it's just about the coolest swimsuit pic ever. I rather want to knit it. If I could remember where I found it, I'd link. I'm thinking neon purple or blue, with black accents...)

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