Monday, November 5, 2007

Stuff to do

Well. I put down the baby sweater and it's still not finished, but I'm working on it again at least. I had to take a break from it to make a scarf, then I started another scarf, then I picked up my Petticoat socks again, and then Miss J called and wanted me to make her some mittens. So I dropped everything else and made her a pair of mittens in two days. They're very neat, called Peekaboo Mittens, and they have a hole in them for the fingers to go through. No, no pics right now, but I'll post a lot of pics next time.

I let someone borrow my Le Slouch, and they got so many compliments on it, they want one in every color. Weee. Good thing I liked knitting it. She still hasn't given it back though. I don't really mind, I actually find it rather amusing.

She recommended that if I could knit enough things before December, I could set up a booth at a play and sell some stuff. I'm considering it, simply because there will be a lot of children at this play, and I can knit kids' mittens a pair a day, and sometimes two. I just need the yarn, and I have that, I think. Unless I run out. But whatever. We'll see what happens. I enjoy making mittens. Just easy enough I can remember what to do next, just hard enough to keep me entertained. And I can always embellish them with embroidery, cross-stitch, or beading, or anything I want. I feel creative right now.

Anyway, pics next time. Maybe I'll have a few pairs of little mittens to show. We'll just see.

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