Thursday, November 8, 2007

Mittens, Mittens, Bouncing Happy Mittens

Kid mittens. I've made two more pairs now, purple and neon blue. (Yes, the same neon blue as the sweater vest. It won't die.)
Peekaboo mittens for Missy J, who's coming to see me on Saturday!
Another shot of the Peekaboo mittens.
Tricorn Scarf. I likes it.

I'm trying to finish the Peach Blossom Sweater by Saturday, so we'll see how that goes. I only have one sleeve and the "button bands". And the frog closures. Anyway, hopefully it'll get done quick and I can make another one. I love things with increases and decreases, but that are still stockinette, because they're interesting, but I don't really need to count.

I need to go do my homework now. I have to read three plays, write a first draft of a research paper, do a project, do another project, research a director, and lots of other stuff. Wish me luck. On second thought, tell me to break a leg.

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