Friday, April 6, 2007

As the Knit Turns

*Symphonic chord* When last we left our heroine, Sarah had been in the process of making socks. Unknown to the knee-high Clessidra sock, she had been having an affair with a pair of garish, striped socks with a simple yet intoxicating pattern which showed off its stripeyness to perfection. Observe:
As that affair waned, she found herself in the family way. With a little one on the way, she turned her hands to making itty bitty baby socks, simple and wonderful in their ability to be finished in a few hours. Within a day she had two pair:
and had not tired of this at all.
A call rang out in the darkness. Answering the phone, Sarah heard the voice of her doctor. "Sarah, this is Dr. Kavorkian. I called as soon as I found out. The tests got switched! You aren't pregnant!"
Relieved, yet strangely disappointed, and not ready to give up knitting for babies, Sarah found a good charity in the area that catered to ill babies so she could donate the socks. Inspired by the charity, she held a ball to raise money for the organization. At this ball, Clessidra learned of the traitorous affair, and made a big scene that, of course, ended in tears

as Clessidra turned its back on her, rushing out of the ball, and perhaps out of her life forever.
Sarah, overcome with remorse and anger, at first tried to get back at Clessidra by starting the front of her sweater:

but could not rid her mind of the hurt look on the face of Clessidra. Resolutely she set aside the barely begun sweater, picked up some baby yarn to start a new baby sock, and began thinking of a scheme to get Clessidra back.
*Symphonic chord* Join us next time to see if our heroine is successful in her attempt to resecure the affections of Clessidra, and to learn the outcomes of her charity ball.

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